
Upload files to MoneyPlatform
Add files / videos to web sites
Get money in a convenient way

Difficult way (without MoneyPlatform)
Purchase servers to store files
Provide ability to download files
Provide video broadcast
Set up payment gateways
Secure financial transactions
Provide user technical support
Upload files to servers
Add files / videos to web sites
Get earned money from payment gateways

STEP 1: Upload Files
Upload your files in a convenient way: using a browser, FTP or directly from other websites

STEP 2: File sharing
Post links to your files on web sites
Add the video player on web sites

STEP 3: Get rewarded
Users pay for access to your files
Get up to 75% of user purchases

All kinds of files are supported Video, music, archives and others
Video, music, archives and others

Automatic conversion
Video is automatically converted for online views

Files up to 15 GB
Maximum file size is 15 GB

Various file upload options
WEB, FTP, API, direct upload from other sites